Return to Ravenel's home page .
For earlier papers see
my publications list.
Slides for recent
talks. Email me if you would like a printer
friendly version of any of these slides.
- Plectics INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLOQUIUM SERIES: "The chromatic conjectures in homotopy theory," July 21, 2024.
- Solar eclipses: Why they happen when they do, March 22, 2024.
Print friendly version
Zoom recording
- eCHT Minicourse of December 5-14, 2023. "What is the telescope
- University of Regensburg lecture
of August 4, 2023, "What is an ∞-category?"
Slides. The slides have
more material (on Bousfield localization and spectra) than I was
able to cover in the lecture. Here is a
preprint form of this material.
- Northwestern University lecture
of March 23, 2023, "Hiking in the Alps: Cp-fixed
points of Lubin-Tate spectra."
- Bonn lecture of October 17, 2022,
"The Hill-Lawson spectral sequence
and the telescope conjecture."
- String cobordism at the prime
- The
eightfold way: how to build the right model structure on
- Model
category structures for equivariant spectra,
Equivariant and
motivic homotopy theory, August, 2018. Isaac
Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Print friendly version
- Two talks in China, June 2018.
- The
Homotopy Theory: Journey to the Frontier, May, 2018. Video link to conference talks.
- Two
equivariant approaches to the telescope conjecture, MIT topology
seminar, November, 2017.
The C2-equivariant
analog of the subalgebra of A generated
by Sq1
and Sq2,
theory: tools and applications, UIUC, July,
2017. Print friendly version.
- Model
categories and spectra, University of Chicago, May,
- The
lost telescope of
Z, Electronic
Computational Homotopy Theory Seminar, March, 2017. Print friendly
- The
slice filtration revisited, CMS Winter Meeting, December,
- What
is a G-spectrum?, Geometry-Topology Conference, Lehigh
University, May, 2015. Print friendly version
- HKR again: Kuhn's work on generalized group characters,
Topology Conference, University of Virginia, April,
- Inside
the proof of the Kervaire invariant theorem or How I got bitten by
the equivariant
bug, Geometry
and Topology. A conference in honor of Martin Bendersky's seventieth
birthday and in commemoration of our friend and colleague Sam
Gitler, Princeton University, March, 2015.
- Plastic
explosives: A C4 analog of the Kervaire invariant
calculation, Conference on Equivariant, Chromatic and Motivic
Homotopy Theory, Northwestern University, March, 2013.
- Quillen's
work on formal group laws and complex cobordism theory,
Conference honoring the legacy of Daniel Quillen, MIT, October,
- Browder's
work on Arf-Kervaire invariant
problem, Panorama
of Topology: A Conference in Honor of William Browder, Princeton
University, May, 2012. Video available
at conference
For talks and preprints related to the Kervaire
invariant see my
Kervaire invariant page.
Cobordism and Stable Homotopy Groups of
Spheres, second
Related papers by other authors
Lecture notes for a graduate
course on elliptic cohomology, Fall 2003, Math 549
Preprints and slides for talks up to March 2009
- Slides for talk given at UR, October 12, 2007. These were made with Prosper. Printer friendly version
- Slides for talk given at MIT,
March 9, 2009.
- Toward higher chromatic
analogs of elliptic cohomology and tmf
- Preprint
of part I, October 28, 2003
- Preprint
of part II (36 pages), June 12, 2008
- Slides for talk given at Johns Hopkins
University, March 10, 2007. These were made with Prosper. Printer friendly version
- Slides for four talks given at Wayne State University.
- Slides for talk given at the workshop on Topological Algebraic Geometry, Oslo September
6, 2006. Illustrative Ext chart of Hopkins-Mahowald.
- Slides
for talk given at Rochester March 10, 2006
- Slides
for talk given at MIT December 16, 2005
- Slides
for talk given at MIT September 26, 2005
- Slides for talk given at AMS meeting in
Newark, DE, April 2, 2005
- Slides for talk given at CMS meeting in
Halifax, June 13, 2004
- Slides for talk given at AMS meeting at
Rider University, April 17, 2004
- Slides for talk given at San Miguel de
Allende, Mexico, December 4, 2003
- Slides for talk given at Lehigh, June 12, 2003
- Slides for talk given at Oberwolfach, March
19, 2003
- Slides for talk given at AMS meeting in
Baltimore, January 17, 2003
- Slides for talk given at the Isaac Newton
Institute, December 18, 2002
- Lin Junkun's work on the Adams
spectral sequence, slides for talk given in Rochester,
November 10, 2006. These were made with Prosper. Here is a printer friendly version.
- A guided tour of the EHP sequence,
slides for talk given at the CRM in Montreal, November 20,
- Some early and middle mathematical work
of Bob Stong, University of Virginia, November 10,
2007. Alternate version
- The first Adams-Novikov differential
for the spectrum T (m). (June 11,
- The
method of infinite descent in stable homotopy theory II (with H.
Nakai). (October 20, 2008)
- On beta elements in the Adams-Novikov
spectral sequence (with H. Nakai). (October 22, 2008)
Research supported by NSF.
Created January 18, 1997; last
modified September 23, 2023.