Exams & Grading

Exam Dates

Thursday, September 26, 8:00 - 9:20am

You will be allowed to bring one sheet of paper with notes of your choice written on both sides. The exam itself will include the same formulas as on page 2 of the first midterm exam of Fall 2022.

Locations: TBA

Thursday, October 31, 8 - 9:20am

You will be allowed to bring one sheet of paper with notes of your choice written on both sides. The exam itself will include the same formulas as on page 2 of the second midterm exam of Fall 2022.

Locations: TBA

Friday, December 13, 12:30 - 3:30pm

You will be allowed to bring one sheet of paper with notes of your choice written on both sides. The exam itself will include the same formulas as on page 2 of the final exam of Fall 2022.

  • Prof. Grand : TBA
  • Prof. Oberly : TBA
  • Prof. Ravenel : TBA

Bring your student ID to each exam!

Exam handouts

Please consult the syllabus for details on material to be covered in exams this semester.