There are many mathematical research institutes worldwide. Some are conference centers or simply departments by another name, but most run semester-long periods of concentration in specific areas. They often give support to young researchers and graduate students.
The Fields Institute also has a List of Institutes.
* Supports research in pairs or teams.
North America
- AIM*, Caltech
- BIRS*, Banff, Canada
- BIRS-UBCO, Kelowna, BC, Canada
- Brin Mathematics Research Center*, University of Maryland
- Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard.
- CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico
- Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- CRM, Montreal
- CMO, Oaxaca, Mexico
- DIMACS, Rutgers. Discrete math and computer science
- Fields Institute, Toronto
- Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- ICERM*, Brown University
- IMA, University of Minnesota. Mostly for applied work
- IMSI, Chicago
- MBI, Ohio State. Mathematical biosciences
- NITMB Northwestern and University of Chicago, Mathematical biology
- Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications, University of Maryland
- Park City Math Institute, Utah
- PIMS, Vancouver and at nearby universities
- Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, SUNY Stony Brook
- Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing*, Berkeley
- SLMath*, (formerly MSRI), Berkeley
- Banach Center, Warsaw
- Bernoulli Center, Lausanne, Switzerland
- CIRM*, Luminy, France
- CIRM*, Trento, Italy
- CRM, Barcelona
- De Giorgi Center*, Pisa
- Erdos Center, Budapest
- Erwin Schrodinger Institute*, Vienna
- Euler Institute, St. Petersburg
- Eurandom, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Stochastics.
- FIM, Zurich
- Hamilton Institute, Maynooth, Ireland
- Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Dublin
- Hausdorff Center, Bonn
- Hausdorff Institute, Bonn
- Heilbronn Institute, Bristol
- ICMAT, Madrid
- ICMS*, Edinburgh
- IHES, Paris
- IHP*, Paris
- IMAG, Granada
- Institute Henri Poincare*, Paris
- IIAS*, Israel Inst. for Adv. Studies, Jerusalem
- Lebesgue Center, Rennes, France
- Max Planck Institute, Bonn
- Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm
- Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
- Oberwolfach*, Germany
- Rényi Institute/Erdős Center, Budapest
- RISM, Varese
- Saint Flour summer school in probability. France
- Turing Institute, London. Data science
Asia and Australia
- AMSI, Distributed, Australia
- BISMA, Beijing
- CIM, Nankai
- CMI, Chennai
- IASM, Hangzhou
- IBS-CGP*, Pohang, Korea
- ICTS Bangalore (Bengaluru)
- IMS, Singapore
- Indian Statistical Institute, (several branches, do a search)
- KIAS*, Seoul
- MATRIX, Near Melbourne
- Morningside Center, Beijing
- NIMS, Daejeon, Korea
- RIMS*, Kyoto University
- Tata Institute, India (click on Faculties/Centres)
- University of Sydney Mathematical Research Institute
- VIASM, Hanoi
- YMSC, Tsinghua University
South America
- IMPA, Rio